Friday, 3 February 2012

Lemon meringue pies

So after accidentally mastering how to make meringue I decided it was time to stop making an assortment of chocolate cakes and make a tart. So I went with the obvious choice of lemon meringue pie.

I made all the sections separately, especially after a conversation with my friend Emma (who has a funny blog of her own) that the meringue on lemon meringue pie is too foamy and soft compared to just normal meringue.

So start with two egg whites, separating out the yolk can be a bit difficult but just concentrate. Then measure out 3oz of white sugar. Whisk the egg whites until sort of foamy and then add the sugar gradually whisking as you go. Then I like to add a tablespoon of icing sugar just to make the meringue mixture look shiny.

Pour it into a baking tray and then put it into the oven at gas mark 1 for about 30-40 minutes or until when you tap it there is a hollow sound.

Whilst the meringue is in the oven make the pastry. Measure out 115g of flour and 55g of butter, rub them together until it looks like breadcrumbs. Add a few tablespoons of white sugar and mix together. Then bring together with 4-5 tablespoons of water.

Roll out the pastry, make it quite thin. Then as I was making individual pies I used a cupcake tray and cut out circles of pastry to fit the trays. Then prick the bottom. Once you have taken out the meringue out of the oven put in the pastry and put the temperature up to about gas mark 6.

About 10 minutes later take out the pastry and put in a couple of teaspoons into lemon curd into each case. Then back in the over for another 10 minutes.

Take out the oven and allow the pies to cool. In the meantime break up the meringue into sections to put on top of the pies.

They are really good and I might try making a big sized pie too.

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