Sunday, 1 January 2012

Starting a new year

Last year was my first attempt at a one a day blog. It was a photography blog to encourage me to take more photos. It worked and I gained, I like to think, respect for my pictures of Sackboys.
Sackboy pretending to be the Doctor
I lasted until October which was when two of my grandparents died and although I had found it fun to take pictures of my everyday life, pictures of funerals didn't seem to fit into that well. So I stopped.

But for 2012 I am taking up the task of a daily blog again, but seeing as I am no longer a student focusing on my dissertation I am free to do whatever I want so I have made this as complicated as I can. Each day will be a different task.
  • Sunday - a blog, about anything I want. More than likely a rant.
  • Monday - picture of a duck, I have a growing collection of rubber ducks and I was told a blog with pictures of ducks would be popular.
  • Tuesday - a newsy rant - linking to a story I have found interesting or has annoyed me.
  • Wednesday - a picture
  • Thursday - review, either a book review or television show review
  • Friday - what I food I made, plus recipe
  • Saturday - and I haven't really thought this through but a sound, I did radio at university and haven't managed to find something to allow me to mess around with editing and sounds yet so I shall think of something creative to do.
It should be fun and hopefully I can do it for the year. 

So to start of 2012 with a blog.

2011 was a bit of an up and down year for me. As I have said two grandparents died in one month, plus there was a lot of other family issues happening. Regardless me, and my family, have got through it.

But reflecting on nicer things I became the editor of my student newspaper The Linc, which was a brilliant experience. I had two print issues that I was in charge of and I was extremely proud of them.

I also graduated from university.

Me in my gown outside Lincoln Cathedral. Photo: Emma Dearsley
It was a great three years of my life, but in a way was glad to get it over with and just start the real world.

I got a part-time internship at The Lincolnite and my second day at work involved an encounter with Jeremy Clarkson and James May from Top Gear.

Unfortunately the real world did lead to unemployment and fun dealings with the Job Centre. But it also led to me and my boyfriend living together in our lovely little house.

I filled my summer by starting up a television review site, called TV Talk Blog, with my friend Emma. I began driving lessons passing my theory test in September.

I also decided to teach myself some cheap skill which is when the baking began. Since the summer I have made gingerbread, a French apple tart, scones and a variety of cupcakes. Most recently I made an unconventional Christmas cake which was chocolate cake covered in white chocolate buttercream.

Eventually a full time job came along in October, but the baking hasn't stopped as I was given many recipe books for my birthday and Christmas and I am going to show my weekly treats off here.

With any luck 2012 should be a good year, my boyfriend will graduate from university and, although we have nothing planned, it feels exciting that come the summer we will be able to do anything we fancy.

So one blog down, just 365 to go. And good luck to you if you are starting a one a day blog as well.


  1. Happy New Year! Good luck to you and your one-a-day in 2012. You should be very proud of what you've achieved so far. And may I say that TV Talk Blog looks remarkably good too. Thanks for drawing that to my attention :)

  2. Thank you very much and a Happy new Year to you too.

    And yes check out TV Talk Blog, I do recommend it :P
