Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Scottish independence?

So we have finally got to the point where Scottish people are going to vote on independence. Not bad going seeing as it is seen as the SNP's only real policy and they have been in power in the Scottish parliament since 2007. But finally they will ask people their opinion on independence in 2014.

On the matter of independence I do think it would be ridiculous for Scotland to be separate - it is so small, and there are some parts of the country really suffering so it is not a time to leave. Plus it does get quite a sweet deal out of being devolved - a chance to have a say on Scottish matters and British matters and still get more affordable university tuition fees.

No, the thing I am amazed by is the amount people do not understand a country that is only a few hours away.

Listening to radio phone ins and conversations with friends it is also remarkable that people in England have never even thought about daring to cross the border in case they catch a lurgie or might start getting a taste for Irn Bru.

Being half Scottish I have been going up to Scotland twice a year all my life to see relatives, but by being in a different country they aren't aliens.

Some Scottish people do still have issues about the English repressing them 700 years, Alex Salmond being one of them, but I think it is a case that Scotland and England have never really tried to understand one another and are now more like awkward siblings.

I mean people like Wales now - it gives us Doctor Who and other great dramas but still people only see that the only thing that Scotland can offer is Irn Bru.

Photo: Rev Stan via Flickr.

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