Whenever I am researching articles for work I use the Ctrl+F function. The minute you realise that a computer likes to help you and prevent you from having to read 126 pages in order to find one sentence, you are incredibly grateful
I have now realised that this is a principal that I want to use in real life.
Let me explain. This week I came back to Lincoln after spending Christmas at home with my family. I crammed everything into my bag and managed to position everything so the bag closed and everything.
Then five minutes before I was due to leave the panic started to sink in.
Is my phone charger in the bag?
Remove everything from bag to find that the phone charger was in a side pocket. Manage to cram everything back in. Sign of relief, everything is fine.
Wait. Did I remember to pack those library books?
Remove everything from bag to find that you had taken the library books out in the first flurry of throwing stuff out of my bag in a hurry. Put everything back, sigh, you have packed everything.
No, wait my keys?
And so on.
What would solve this tricky little problem? Being able to open the bag and just press Ctrl+F to be able to type and search easily for the item that you think you have forgotten. No throwing all your neatly packed goods out of the bag onto the floor and then having to cram them back in.
I mean there would need to be some sort of technological advancement to make people half computer and half human, which could cause some problems and some anxieties. But that's only a small problem.
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